“I Will Not Let Your Selfishness Ruin the Harmony of this School!”
One high school student whom HRW interviewed was told by a school teacher. HRW conducted research over the past year by interviewing 100 individuals in 8 cities, including more than 50 middle school and high school students who are sexual minorities. At this event, Boris Dittrich, a former member of the Dutch Parliament who made the Netherlands the first country to legalize the same sex marriage, will share what we have learned about the realities of Japanese schools today and also our recommendations for the Japanese government so that our schools are safe place to learn for everyone.
開催日時 |
5月6日(金)13:00-14:00 |
イベント名 |
新・調査報告発表:学校におけるいじめの現状とは?政府は何をすべき? (New Report: Bullying in Japanese schools today and what should the government do? ) |
主催 | |
出演 |
●ボリス・ディトリッヒ(ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ LGBTの権利プログラム アドボカシーディレクター/元オランダ国会議員) ●土井香苗(ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 日本代表) ●カイル・ナイト(ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ LGBTの権利プログラム 調査員) ●当事者の高校生(調整中) |
定員 |
120名/予約必要 ⇒ お申し込みページはこちら |
入場料 | なし |
会場 |
日本記者クラブ (Japan National Press Club) 〒100-0011 |